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Botox-Effect Smart Filler Serum


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Siero viso dall'azione riempitiva istantanea per le rughe del contorno occhi

Soft and velvety serum which, thanks to the presence of Argireline in the formula, instantly prevents and reduces wrinkles in the eye contour area. A few moments after application, it fills and refines expression lines, relaxing facial features with a tensor effect for up to 6 hours. It can be applied in two ways: as a serum, before the usual moisturizer, to better convey the active ingredients contained in the cream, or after make-up to obtain a botox-like effect. The light texture absorbs quickly without leaving a trace, giving the face a more relaxed look.

Format of 15ml

* foto originali non post prodotte

La formula contiene:
– Argirelina, un peptide con attività simile a quello della tossina botulinica A che attenua le rughe d’espressione e induce la produzione di nuovo collagene;
– Glico-biopolimero, dall’azione liftante, che attenua visibilmente l’aspetto di linee d’espressione e segni dell’età, donando alla pelle un effetto tensore.


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